How I work with you
No matter what you are experiencing right now, I want you to get the best, lasting, results in the shortest time possible.
I personally experienced great healing and transformation after just one session.
Often deep wounds or complex trauma may require more than one session before true freedom is found.
Our cells store degenerative memories and suppressed emotions which over time, manifest into pain and disease. When the new cell comes along to replace the old cell, these memories and emotions get passed on and pain and disease can persists.
When we express the stored emotions however and find absolute forgiveness and closure with the issues at the core of the emotions, when the new cells come along, there is NO degenerative memory to be passed on and therefore, emotional and physical healing often takes place in the time it takes for the cells of that particular organ or body part to replace themselves.
When a person is completely open to feeling everything that comes up in an emotional healing process, meaning all of the suppressed emotions that have caused energetic blockages in the body and over time, manifested into physical pain and disease… so called lasting miracles take place.
The World Health Organisation now supports the science which is telling us that 80% to 85% of physical illness starts with an emotional issue.
1. Schedule a free exploratory call
To discover whether this is for you or a child in your family.
2. Book a session
Where I will gently guide you through.
3. Create a customised plan together
To achieve the desired transformation in your life.
If you want to feel alive as your true self, then making a commitment sets everything in motion. I will work directly with you to address the root cause holding you back, so that you achieve amazing shifts in behaviour and can flourish in all areas of your life.
If you would like to find out more, then why not contact me to arrange a free introductory no obligation chat.
Journey Therapy sessions work equally powerfully and effectively whether using Zoom, Skype or Facetime or meeting in person. However, if you are based in the South-East of England you may prefer to have a session face-to-face, depending on distance.
Duration: Sessions are 2 hours long
Cancellation: 24 hour cancellation policy for both in-person and online sessions
1 x one-to-one Journey Therapy Session
These powerful one-on-one healing sessions are designed to help free you from your past and empower you to live the life of your dreams.
Follow up telephone call after each session.
3 x one-to-one Journey Therapy Sessions
Often deep wounds or complex trauma may require more than one session before true freedom is found. Booking three sessions in over a course of several weeks or months is very beneficial for clearing old cell memories and releasing all energetic blocks you are likely to be holding onto, so that your body is free to access its own healing potential.
Pre-Journey questionnaire
Follow up telephone call after each session
6 x one-to-one Journey Therapy Sessions
Together we will work out a Personal Journey Therapy Programme just for you, carried out over 6 weeks or 6 months depending on other commitments and time available to you.
Pre-Journey Programme questionnaire
6 individual Journey Therapy Sessions
Follow up telephone call after each session
Unlimited email support for the duration of the programme
“It is like letting go of yesterday, so that your heart could find joy today.”