A bit about me
Never in human history is this work more valuable
Nicola Cornish is an Accredited Journey Practitioner who comes highly recommended by the founder of The Journey Company, Brandon Bays.
Brandon Bays is recognised as one of the most dynamic, inspirational and profoundly innovative teachers in the field of personal growth and mind-body-healing. She is known internationally for her radical transformation work in the fields of cellular healing and emotional wellbeing and she is the pioneer of The Journey Method. Nicola has been involved with this international community and its teachings for several years now.
After spending nearly two decades working directly with children, young people and families as a Nanny, Social Worker and Project Worker for Barnardo’s, Nicola felt compelled to help transform people’s lives at a deeper level and is now dedicating her work to the Journey Method.
It was after Nicola received the most simple yet most profound healing of her life, that she decided to train as a Journey Practitioner and to bring this phenomenal method to others.
This therapeutic technique is the single biggest leap in Nicola’s own recovery; a game changer with lasting results. The benefits just keep manifesting, there are no side effects, and you will only ever feel better and get better. Nicola has noticed the positive impact in all areas of her life, with amplified levels of health and happiness. She believes that the Journey Method is a powerful vehicle for change.
Nicola is passionate in helping children, young people and adults recover from past emotional pain or previous trauma so that individuals can fully accept and enjoy their lives again with greater freedom and happiness. Nicola is incredibly proud of this vast life-changing work, because she knows it works.
In her spare time Nicola loves catching up with friends, being by the sea, taking a hot yoga class, exploring farmers markets, listening to a great record and enriching her life with travel.
My Education
BA (Hons) Social Sciences, 2000
UWE, Bristol
MSc Social Works, 2009
University of Southampton
Yoga Instructor, 2016
Raja Yoga Academy, Australia
Accredited Journey Practitioner, 2020
The Journey, London
“I’ve had the privilege of working with Nicola on several occasions. In the safe space that she created I learnt to understand myself. I was able to clear things that had become ingrained and that had held me back for years. Nicola is easy to talk to. I felt that I could say anything without judgement. Above all Nicola is kind. I hope to work with Nicola again in the future.”